A Bunch of OCs in My Style


It only took me about half a year to finish. I’m going to be honest I was going to also upload these individually but I messed up the layers so now I have to edit them apart later when I get the chance because they are all stuck together.

Here’s the list of each oc and who they belong to using their respective twitter @/s.

From left to right starting at the top left the ocs are, Meribel by @/MadisonCMoore1, The Mithrian and Damari by @/say1041999, Aooka by @/A0okami(no she does not normally run around in a Hatsune Miku sonic outfit, Cleopatra(Caster) by @/IketheNinja14, Lily by me,Claude Des Armoises(Faker) by @/Omegazplayer, Alexander by @/FeralWeirdo8615 , Lyre by @/SofiaEbby, Connor by @/Mikaell_e, “Fox Boy”(Sorry idk if they have a name) by @/mochio_bonio

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