The Taste of Innistrad’s Angels

Now I know I should probably be moving on to the next ally colored tribe on Innistrad but I’ve decided to quickly go over Angels because honestly I feel like this will probably be a relatively short writing(at least in theory). The reason for this is because angels on Innistrad revolve heavily around humans, which […]

Switch Around Meme

A switch-around meme I did with @yuki_setsura on Twitter. She did the lines for the first image while I did the coloring and vice versa for the second set of images.

The Taste of Innistrad’s Humans

This is kind of part of a small series I’m making so if you want to check out the last article, in which I talk about werewolves you can find it here( Ok, So I know I promised to talk about Spirits or something on Twitter the next time I made one of these but […]