“White” and “Blue”


Updated Lily’s proportions(all I did was give her wider shoulders) and I like how they look. I also struggle with drawing more than one character on a page and keeping sizes consistent so I drew “Blue” for a size comparison. I drew them in their human au forms so the armor Lily would normally wear as her MTG counterpart wouldn’t obscure her body shape. Plus I didn’t feel like drawing wings. The size disparity is way bigger than I was expecting and sometimes I question why I made one of my go-to OCs so tall because I almost always struggle to fit her properly on the page. I changed her outfit because I want to help give a better sense of her style(mostly dresses and skirts) but also because I didn’t calculate the height right and if I gave her the usual high heels she probably wouldn’t have fit on the page. The outfit i ended up drawing was cute and fun to draw though. Oh yeah, and I through in a bit of background practice into the sketch.

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