Soap(Stormy and Tightly)(Sketch) / Jabón(tormentoso y estrechamente)(Sketch) / せっけん(嵐のときつく)(Sketch)


Some sketches and concepts I made for a soap sculpture in art class. I had an art project last year that involved carving soap. The challenge was that the piece had to be completely subtractive, which means we could do things like stick soap back on after we cut it off. We also had to design them around the theme of 2 words, and the words I got were stormy and tight. We also had to be abstract so we couldn’t use actual objects. So in this case I couldn’t just carve a storm. I decided a good way to show this was to try to invoke the idea of someone or something attempting to contain the raw power of a storm. So I made a lot of shapes that resembled teeth and fingers and positioned them to make it look like they were clamping down on a storm and trying to hold it in place.

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